Magic Nite: The 9th Semarang Magic Community Magic Gathering
Last update: 24th of January 2012, Tuesday
Semarang Magic Community opened 2012 with a bang, Magic Nite. Magic Nite was the The Ninth Semarang Magic Community Gathering. Magic Nite opened for public. It was held on the 21st of January 2012, Saturday, from 16:00 up to 21:45 in Istana restaurant on Jl. MT Haryono 836, Semarang, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Magic Nite shared information and programs of Semarang Magic Community in 2012 such as the coming Mini Magic Convention with Singapore IBM 115 on April 2012.
Approximately 60 people attended Magic Nite. The guests were magicians and magic properties collectors. Magic Nite was an excellent time to enjoy and learn magic. Tickets were sold at Rp. 25 thousands (± $USD 2.5) per person for Semarang Magic Community members and Rp. 35 thousands (± $USD 3.5) per person for non-members. Ticket price included dinner.
Magic Nite presented magic lectures by Mr. Paulus Sentana, the former president of IBM Surabaya Ring, and dr. Harry Susanto Prayogo, a senior magician with international magic shows experience. Mr. Paulus Sentana taught techniques to set up brilliant magic effects such as a mind-reading prediction, torn and restored newspaper magic, and many more clever ideas.
Dr. Harry Susanto Prayogo taught fantastic magic effects with simple and easy preparations. For example, transforming a silk into a real egg. An audience laughed in disbelieve when he peeled the egg shell off.
Magic Nite also had a Magic Dealer session. This Magic Dealer session, Mr. Paulus Sentana sold a lot his magic merchandize he brought from Surabaya. Guests loved his merchandize. He sold the appearing flower bouquets, magic fans, and many more interesting items. The prices ranged from Rp. 50 thousands (± $USD 5) up to Rp. 500 thousands (± $USD 50).
Magic Nite was surprised by the appearance of The Masked Magician, Mr. Valentino. Really? This Mr. Valentino is from Semarang, Indonesia, owner of Valentino Magic Shop. Mr. Valentino (Uncle Valent) was the MC for Magic Nite. He dressed up as the legendary Masked Magician.
At 18:40 the Indonesian version Masked Magician announced dinner time. Istana Restaurant served the delicious dinner. The dinner set consisted of Indonesian style fried chicken, fried noodle, vegetables, and rice.
Soon after dinner, a magic shows parade began. Magic shows parade featuredSemarang Magic Community magicians such as Silvan Prayogo, Dodox Decaprio,Cecil Danielo, and Aditya Agunk. Guest star magicians made the magic shows parade more special. The guest star magicians were Mr. Paulus Sentana from IBM Surabaya, El Cazo Dejavu from Solo, Dimitri Aditya from Surabaya, and two magicians from The Master RCTI TV shows, Edo Shadow and Krishnaji. Bebbo Denoberto presented a different show, a stand up comedy act, at the end of Magic Nite.
Semarang Magic Community expresses gratitude to our new member, Gusti Mulya Devitto, for his graphic designs on poster, brochures, tickets, and banner. Also great appreciation to the Semarang Magic Community official crews on duty during Magic Nite, Ferdian Rahardjo and Rowman Romiruz who ensured ticketing and registration well documented. Deka Ridwantoro photographed Magic Nite. Also, many thanks to Istana Restaurant for their great service and dinner.
Note: more photos are available at Facebook Semarang Magic Community and Blog of Semarang Magic Community.
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