About Us

Semarang Magic Community is a non-profit organization for magicSemarang Magic Community unites people who love magic in friendship and improves magic in Indonesia. We stimulates your creativity and spirit in magic. Semarang Magic Community was formed by several professional magicians in Semarang such as Mr. Valentino on the 27th of July 2010 at Citraland Shopping Mall in Semarang CityCentral Java ProvinceIndonesia.

Members are mostly from Semarang although there are some from towns in Central Javaprovince such as Pekalongan. Members of Semarang Magic Community have various background of education and occupation. There are high school / college students, professional full time/part time magicians, business owners, etc. We welcome anyone. Please contact our public relation officer to register.

We have a gathering once in two months to share experiences, ideas, and friendship. We invite senior and/or famous professional magicians as guest stars to perform and/or give a magic lecture. Members get a valuable lessons to improve their magic.

Furthermore, Semarang Magic Community participates in spectacular events such as magic show or magic competition in big shopping malls in Semarang city. Therefore, members get an opportunity to publicly perform a magic show so that their creativity, experience, and confidence improve.

Semarang Magic Community educates youths to be organized. We encourage members to participate in our activities to develop their managerial skills.

We welcome collaboration opportunities (e.g. business /commercial, education ,etc).

The Ethical Values of Magic Uphold by Semarang Magic Community:
  1. To value and protect secrets of magic.
  2. To avoid misuse of magic (crime).
  3. To maintain respect and harmony among magicians.
Missions of Semarang Magic Community:
  1. To strongly uphold the ethical values of magic.
  2. To nurture and improve the quality of magic shows by Indonesian magicians.
  3. To unite magicians and magic enthusiasts in Indonesia.
  4. To become a role model of a professional magic community in Indonesia.
  5. To establish a network of Indonesian and international magic societies.
Visions of Semarang Magic Community:
  1. To be an internationally acknowledged and respected magic community.
  2. To represent Indonesian magicians in international magic events / communities.
  3. To deliver Indonesian magicians internationally.
Please stay in touch and be inspired by magic.

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